ADHR Group, Pordenone subsidiary, for a metalworking industry client, we are selecting a male/female Mechanical Maintenance Technician.
The role, in response to the Production Manager, will perform the following tasks:
* Gestione manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria (Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance management)
* Gestione rapporti con ditte di manutenzione esterna (Management of relationships with external maintenance companies)
* Elaborazione report interventi (Intervention report elaboration)
* Gestione ricambi (Spares management)
* Titolo di studi in ambito tecnico (Technical studies title)
* Esperienza consolidata come manutentore in realtà del settore metalmeccanico (Consolidated experience as a maintenance technician in the metalworking sector)
The position involves direct integration into the company. The remuneration package is indicative of €30,000-€32,000.
The search is aimed at candidates of both sexes, pursuant to L. 903/77 and L. 125/91. Candidates are invited to read the privacy information on the Adhr Group website, in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on data protection (GDPR).