Organisation / Company: University of Genoa
Department: Department of Educational Science
Is the Hosting related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Call for Expression of Interest for a joint application under the upcoming Call for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025
The University of Genoa, UNIGE, located in Genoa, ITALY, welcomes postdoctoral researchers of any nationality, with an excellent track record, to apply for the European Commission Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025. Our University has been a beneficiary of several MSCA-PF in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.
The Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship is one of the funding schemes of the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Research & Innovation programme, dedicated to excellent research promoting international mobility, as well as interdisciplinary and intersectoral exchanges.
The MSCA fellowship grant provides a competitive salary plus mobility and family allowances if applicable, as well as a contribution to cover research, training, and networking costs. The research projects will have a duration of 2 or 3 years.
Selected candidates will be provided with special support for proposal writing and development.
The University of Genoa will organize in May the fifth edition of the Masterclass MSCA@UniGe. Selected candidate researchers will have the opportunity to attend a 2-day online intensive training and coaching course on how to write a successful proposal. This masterclass is a pathway of support to candidates and their supervisors in preparing project proposals, including prescreening activity of the draft proposals and the organization of dedicated B2B meetings, by the European Research Office of UniGe, National Contact Point, and other experts.
The masterclass will take place in May/June 2025.
MSCA domain: Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
Research Group
The AGIRE lab is a multi-disciplinary research group within the University of Genoa (Italy). Our research interests are focused on the professional development of both pre- and in-service teachers. The acronym AGIRE gathers and explains some crucial points related to the educational aspects of the teaching profession:
1. Agency: Indicates that teachers are responsible for carrying out educational actions to identify new ways and instructional strategies.
2. Inclusion: Shows the capacity of teachers to create learning environments open for all pupils and students of whatever conditions.
3. Research: Specifies the importance for teachers to develop their own inquiry attitude in order to investigate new strategies and educational paths.
4. Equity: Underlines that teachers have to give all pupils/students the opportunities for learning and growing.
In Italian, the acronym AGIRE represents an extremely meaningful word: to do something for somebody. In particular, AGIRE lab aims to set up and carry out scientific studies that involve directly schools and teachers, especially in the following topics:
1. Educational technologies
2. Teaching strategies
3. Summative and formative assessment
4. Intercultural education
5. Internationalization of teacher education
Ultimately, AGIRE lab offers research activities for pre-service teachers so that they can experience research activities focused on key topics for the development of schools and for the professional growth of teachers.
Research Project Description
I'm an associate professor of education at the University of Genoa (Italy). I'm president of WFATE (World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education) and past-president of ATEE (Association for Teacher Education in Europe). Additionally, I'm a member of the European Commission working group on School. I'm also involved in some educational actions led by OECD. My research interests are focused on Teacher Education, Teaching and assessment strategies, Educational technology, and Internationalization of Teacher Education.
For the MSCA-PF 25 call (opening foreseen on 9th April 2025), at the deadline for the submission of proposals (10th September 2025), postdoctoral candidates shall have a maximum of 8 years of postdoctoral research experience and must not have resided or carried out their main activities in Italy (for European Fellowship) or in the Third Country of the outgoing phase (for Global Fellowship) for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the abovementioned deadline.
More info on MSCA PF are available at the following link: