Founded in Florence (ITALY) in 1993, and today with Legal and Operational Headquarter in Scandicci (Florence), ELDES is a market leader for Radar Solutions in the Meteorology and Defence sectors. Through 30 years of experience in Radar Systems, also thanks to a synergistic collaboration with Universities and Research Centers, ELDES has come to realize not only strategic components, but real products and complete solutions under its own Brand, re-investing every year between 5% and 10% of turnover in research and development. Always Market and Customer-oriented, ELDES develops and manufactures Excellent Solutions designed to be agile, innovative, and usable in the most varied markets and operational contexts. ELDES X-Band Weather Radar are present in over 15 Countries around the World, with over 700 installations and strategic components supplied, also covering the operational continuity of systems through a preventive and evolutionary maintenance service, with a dedicated team of specialists. In the Defence sector ELDES is the world leader for Programmable and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HWIL) and So ware Defined Radar (SDR) solutions, opening new perspectives for the assessment of Electronic Warfare (EW) and Radar Systems.
Two Business Lines guided by the same evolutionary approach and the same technological skills base: Meteorology and Defence. Weather Radar and Radar Simulators for Defence are born with a common background of skills and experience gained in the development of components and the study of Radar systems.
ELDES has chosen to invest in the highly specialized creation of complete products and latest generation technologies, innovating the path with its own ideas and always taking into consideration the needs expressed by the market. The oƛertranslates into solutions that can predict and prevent, helping to understand, validate, to make the right decisions at the right time. Weather Radar and Defence Radar Simulators are thus created to observe and analyse operational scenarios, whatever their context of use. A Market-oriented and above all Customeroriented approach, where the creation and updating of products arise from need.
All’interno della funzione Marketing, il Marketing Specialist si occuperà di tutto il processo di Generazione Proattiva dei Leads (individuazione dei potenziali leads, contatto preliminare, valutazione dell’opportunità, monitoraggio). Sarà inoltre responsabile della valorizzazione dell’immagine aziendale e dei prodotti, attuando le strategie di comunicazione definite con la funzione Business Development and Sales.
Nello specifico:
Generazione proattiva dei Leads
Individuazione clienti target e loro profilazione e gestione in CRM
Monitoraggio e reporting avanzamento
Attuazione delle strategie di comunicazione aziendale, in particolare:
Definizione e distribuzione dei contenuti sui canali di comunicazione aziendali
Implementazione e creazione degli elementi di comunicazione aziendale ad esempio; template documenti e presentazioni, biglietti da visita, brochures di prodotto, immagine coordinata etc.
Gestione dell’organizzazione di fiere ed eventi
Definizione gadget
Analisi di mercato
Raccolta informazioni di mercato (mappe comparative concorrenza, prestazioni, prezzi, posizionamento, etc.)
Ricerche di mercato per identificazioni potenziali clienti
Ricerche di mercato per identificazione potenziali agenti/distributori
Amministrazione dei canali di comunicazione aziendale e del CRM
Collabora per la tutela dei marchi registrati
* Iscrizione alle Categorie Protette Lg.68/99
* Laurea e/o Diploma e/o ITS in Economia/Marketing/Media
* Inglese a livello buono scritto e conversato
* Outlook eccellente
* Word eccellente
* Excel ottimo
* Gradita conoscenza di Wordpress
* Non sono presenti barriere