Job Title: Ingegnere Informatico
Location: Bologna, San Giovanni in Persiceto, Italy
Company: APL Network S.R.L.
We are looking for an experienced Ingegnere Informatico to join our team. The successful candidate will be responsible for designing and implementing industrial lighting and security systems.
• Progettazione prototipi (Design of prototypes)
• Realizzazione (Implementation)
• Supervisione durante l'installazione (Supervision during installation)
The ideal candidate should have a strong background in software development and be able to work independently. We offer a competitive salary based on experience and a dynamic working environment.
• Disponibilità a trasferte (Availability for transfers) throughout Italy and abroad
• Orario: 8:30 - 17:30 da lunedì a venerdì (Working hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 5:30pm)
We are open to both full-time and part-time candidates, and we offer training and support to ensure the success of our team members.
What We Offer:
• Competitive salary based on experience
• Dynamic working environment
• Training and support