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* School: Saxion University of Applied Sciences
You have gained success in your career or as an entrepreneur, still ...there is something missing: some lack of fulfillment, perhaps challenges in personal relationships or the topic of health comes up more often.
Or ... you are still quite young but you have gained quite some financial wealth or entrepreneurial success, what now? Money is great, but you know there is more to life.
Perhaps this is known as a life crisis, but I would call it a life calling.
You know you have a bigger role to play and unleash more of your potential. You feel that your expertise and/or your wealth can create some impact. How to step up into that role while also creating more balance and meaning to life as a whole?
I am here to guide you on these deeper questions as well as make the desired transition in life very practical. I am also here to challenge you on any perspective in life that keeps you narrow-minded and limits your expansion. It is time to unlock the best version of yourself in all areas of your life. That's what I call new leadership: being an inspiring example in your work environment as well as a loving and emotional grown-up partner, parent, and friend. There is so much more to leadership than leading a team or organization!
Like Nicola Tesla already said, ‘if you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration’. And that is true, it is all about energy. Our vibrational frequency defines how our life feels and looks. And guess what, research has shown that authenticity is our highest vibration. When we are truly authentic, we unleash all of ourselves and create that ripple effect of influencing others by walking our talk.
That is the journey I have been on since 2012: deep inner work combined with intense learning on a broad spectrum of subjects. I really love understanding how life works: the laws of nature, the dynamics between people (and their emotional co-dependency), the genius of our body, and the systems and societies we live in. It is all intertwined and interconnected. Seeing through all aspects that influence my (our) life, I developed a very refined way of self-reflecting and a laser-sharp sensitivity for incongruent behaviour. I zoom out and analyse the world dynamics as easily as I zoom in on personal potential.
We live in quite extraordinary times. Times of transition to new ways of living, working, and even for new economic thinking. Humanity is waiting for new heart-centered leadership who will create their ripple of influence, in smaller circles or big waves, all ripples of higher consciousness are valuable and needed.
With a total of 30+ years of working experience in the corporate industry - consulting, interior design, entrepreneurship, coaching - I understand the language, challenges, and way of thinking of CEOs, entrepreneurs, and leaders.
I am known for my straightforwardness, sharp vision, passion, inquisitive mind, resourcefulness, inner wisdom, and my natural inborn ability to be objective.
In 2021 I became a published author with my first book: The Ripple Effect, know how powerful you are. It shows how our personal development is directly connected with the systems and societies we live in.
My approach to coaching goes beyond a weekly session. To unleash your genius qualities and increase your self-awareness, requires a daily focus. My unique approach will ensure hands-on daily guidance.
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