Synergie, a San Lazzaro di Savena affiliate, in Bologna seeks an IMPIEGATO/A FRONT OFFICE LEGGE 68/99 for its banking sector client.
The role involves:
* Reception: welcoming clients, including phone calls;
* Gestione dati legati ad attività comunicative aziendali;
* Commercial secretary;
* Predisposizione di contratti;
* Supporto all'ufficio commerciale;
* Help desk activities.
A diploma of maturity related to the position and minimum previous experience are required.
Additional information
The initial contract is in Somministrazione a tempo determinato.
Work schedule: daily from Lunedì to Venerdì, 37 hours per week.
Workplace: Bologna (BO).
This offer respects Dlgs 198/2006 and Dlgs 215/2003 and 216/2003 laws. Interested people are invited to read the privacy policy ex artt. 13 e 14 del Reg. UE 2016/679.