ADHR GROUP Agency for Labor S.p.A. is seeking a professional for a metalworking company.
The ideal candidate holds a Technical Diploma or equivalent and has experience in the production department of metalworking companies. They will be responsible for activities related to loading and unloading CNC MACHINING CENTERS.
A knowledge of Heidenhain programming language is not required but appreciated.
Workplace: Piove di Sacco (PD)
Working Hours: Daily, from Monday to Friday
We offer: Employment at Client Company
For Information:
ADHR GROUP - Piove di Sacco Branch
Otto Dal Molin Street, 51
Phone 0497305000
Candidates of both sexes are invited to apply according to L. 903/77 and L. 125/91. Candidates are invited to read our privacy policy at'informativa-sulla-privacy-regolamento-ue-2016-679/. ADHR GROUP – Agency for Labor S.p.a. with Sole Shareholder – subject to Direction and Coordination of Egemona Holding S.r.l. Registered in the Agencies for Labor Register Section I – Authorisation N. 13/I/0013269.