Where: The workplace is the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, located in Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy. More info at www.tigem.it
When: 1 year starting on January 1st 2025, with possible extension of the contract.
What: In the framework of the BANDO A CASCATA PARTENARIATO ESTESO “HEAL ITALIA – HEALTH EXTENDED ALLIANCE FOR INNOVATIVE THERAPIES, ADVANCED LAB-RESEARCH, AND INTEGRATED APPROACHES OF PRECISION MEDICINE” – PE_00000019 SPOKE 3: UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO – CUP B73C22001250006 - PREDICTION MODELS - Modelli avanzati di predizione per la prognosi e la risposta terapeutica. TIGEM is promoting a project to analyze, via mass spectrometry, several sets of biological samples and compare the obtained results to highlight new biomarkers. Principal Investigator: Paolo Grumati.
Type of Contract - Salary: Temporary, Full Time - The salary will range from 28.000€ to 35.000€ based on previous experience.
Essentials: Candidates should be highly motivated with excellent academic records. Strong expertise in proteomics and mass spectrometry data analysis are required.
Desirable: Good skills in English communication are appreciated.
How to apply: Candidates will be evaluated based on their CV and previous experience. Please send an email with your CV and a motivational letter to p.grumati@tigem.it within and not later than December 6th 12.00 pm.