Organisation/Company: Università degli Studi di Siena - Regione Toscana (FSC) e Giovanisì
Research Field: Other
Researcher Profile: Recognised Researcher (R2), Leading Researcher (R4), First Stage Researcher (R1), Established Researcher (R3)
Country: Italy
Application Deadline: 19 Feb 2025 - 23:59 (UTC)
Type of Contract: To be defined
Job Status: Not Applicable
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer Description
To undertake archaeometric and technological analyses on the ceramic samples selected for the project, taking into account the know-how of ceramic craftsworks, particularly the prehistoric ones. In summary, he/she will be engaged in:
1. Mineralogical-petrographic analysis
2. Technological analysis of ceramic artefacts
3. Contextualising the analyses (a and b) with typological, stylistic, chrono-cultural data
4. Input data in geodatabase
5. Interpretation of material culture features related to pastoralism, also with experimental tests
Together with Researcher 2, will carry out research activities related to ‘transhumance paths’:
1. Assessment and monitoring of the archaeological heritage in the study area
2. Comparison with ethno-anthropological sources
3. Building up contents and maps for dissemination of the research results in museums and along the paths
4. Building up contents for scientific publications
Acronym: TRAMA APP
Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residence: OTHER
Eligibility of fellows: nationality/ies: