L ead the ex ecu t ion of medium-s ize to large pr ojects or project portfolio and ensu r e tha t all r ela ted act ivit ies a r e performed in acc or dance with Hitachi Energy polic y, c on tractual agreemen ts, quality s tandar ds, health, safety & en vironmen t requir ements, financial targets, as w ell as schedule commitmen ts.
Main Accountabilities:
* Project Leadership: L eads the pr oject t eam alloca t ed t o the pr oject, defining ma in guidelines, alloca t ing pr oject tasks, and mot iva t ing and monit oring int ernal and ext ernal r esour c es t o acc omplish all tasks and milest ones. P r ovides perf ormance f eedback regar ding alloca t ed r esour ces working on pr ojects.
* Planning and Scheduling: Defines, jointly wit h the Pr oject C ontr ols department, all pr oject plan documents, including sc ope and financial plans, schedule and risk management plans.
* Project execution and control: Ensur es tha t the pr oject f ollows execut ion best pract ices and Hitachi Energy policies. Eff ect ively monit ors and c ontr ols pr oject pr ogr es s and efficient r esour c e ut iliza t ion. Monit ors and c ontr ols pr oject financials, overseeing pr oject in voicing sta tus, c ost, expenses and cash flow. Ident ifies, qualifies, quant ifies and ma nages pr oject risks, and ensur es t ha t all opportunit ies ar e ident ified and pursued. Captur es, analyses and shar es les sons learned thr oughout t he pr oject. Ensur es tha t the pr oject is f ormally closed out, as c ontractually agr eed. Drives the f ormal acc eptanc e of the pr oject, c ontract close-out and its acknowledgement by the c ust omer .
* Contract claims and procurement management: Ensures that the project consistently applies contract and claims management, in acc or dance with Hitachi Energy policies and c on tractual agr eements. C oor dina t es with Supply Cha in Management, and succ es sfully pr ocur es r equir ed servic es, mat erials and equipment f or the pr oject fr om ext ernal and int ernal suppliers. Support Supply Cha in Management in supplier negoti a t ions, cla ims and pr oject changes;
* Stakeholder relations: Acts as k ey c ontact f or the cust omer and an escalat ion point f or pr oject is sues. Builds and ma inta ins str ong r ela t ionships with int ernal and ext ernal stak eholders and eff ect ively c ommunica t es with all stak eholders.
* Health, safety, and environment (HSE): Ensur es the pr oject f ollows and c omplies with c ompan y health, saf ety, and en vir onmental policies.
* Bachelor's/Master’s degree in an engineering field;
* At least 8 years of experience in project management of medium size projects with a focus on EPC project, in addition to experience working on construction sites; experience in Electrical System industry (T&D or Power Generation) is an advantage;
* Experience managing projects under different contractual models both in italian public and private sector (i.e FIDIC, Codice dei Contratti Pubblici).
* Fluent in English; mother tongue Italian
* Good knowledge of Microsoft Office, SAP and Microsoft Project.
* Proactive and highly organized, experience in coordinating team also in remote locations;
* Available to travel nationally & internationally, as needed (average 25%);
* Previous experience with Italian utilities is a plus (Terna/Enel/Edison)