LINKS Foundation - Leading Innovation & Knowledge for Society
Organisation/Company: LINKS Foundation - Leading Innovation & Knowledge for Society
Research Field: Technology » Computer technology, Computer science
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions: Master
Country: Italy
Application Deadline: 4 Mar 2025 - 23:59 (Europe/Rome)
Type of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 40
Offer Starting Date: 17 Mar 2025
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Not funded by a EU programme
Reference Number: #588043
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer Description
The candidate will carry out research and development activities in the field of IT security of connected systems. The main research topic will be trusted computing, with a focus on decentralized remote attestation solutions using smart contracts.
The candidate will be placed in the Connected Systems & Cybersecurity research domain, in a young and dynamic working group and will have to collaborate closely with multidisciplinary teams of IT engineers, telecommunications engineers, and mathematical engineers. The candidate will work on projects of international importance also collaborating with companies, research centers, and universities from all over Europe.
The candidate must have, or be close to, a Master's Degree in Computer Engineering or Mathematical Engineering.
Interest and skills in the following areas are required:
* Excellent knowledge of IT security principles;
* Excellent knowledge of applied cryptography;
* Good knowledge of the operating principles of smart contracts;
* Good programming skills in the main languages: C, RUST, Typescript, Solidity;
* Knowledge of versioning tools e.g. GitHub, GitLab;
* Use of the Linux operating system;
* Excellent knowledge of oral and written English - level C1-C2;
* Strong interest in acquiring new skills;
* Ability to work in a team and independently, taking initiatives to ensure the achievement of project objectives and deadlines.
Where to apply
Additional Information
Maximum of 10 days of smart working per month;
Selection process: Please indicate #588043 EURAX when applying for the position.
Basic employment agreement conditions:
Fixed-term, full-time researcher agreement (12/36 months);
Terms and conditions of employment are fixed by national collective bargaining agreement (CCNL Terziario);
Payroll scale level will be evaluated during the selection process;
Incentive Compensation Plan will follow Foundation’s policies;
Proven competencies and seniority level will be duly considered.
Work Location(s)
Number of offers available: 1
Company/Institute: LINKS Foundation - Leading Innovation and Knowledge for Society
Country: Italy