ETJCA Spa, Employment Agency, Rome Nomentana Branch seeks candidates for a client company operating in the mechanical engineering sector:
Thermohydraulic Assistants
Job Description and Requirements:
Candidates will work closely with qualified personnel and be responsible for the installation of hydraulic, thermal, and air conditioning systems at public and private structures.
Role and Responsibilities:
* Installation of heating and water treatment plants, civil and industrial;
* Installation of air conditioning systems;
* Installation of heat pumps and solar thermal systems;
* Installation of water treatment and purification systems.
Hierarchical Reporting: Site Manager
Requirements for participating in the selection process:
* Prior experience in the role, even if minimal;
* Immediate availability;
* Seriousness and professionalism.
Place of Work: Rome
Working Hours: Full-Time, Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 4:30pm with a 1-hour break
Offered: Initial contract for hire, level D1 ccnl metalmechanics
The offer is open to both male and female candidates in compliance with Legislative Decree 198/2006 and subsequent amendments, as well as Decrees-Laws 215 and 216 of 2003 on equal treatment.