Organisation/Company: Luiss Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli
Research Field: Economics
Researcher Profile: Recognised Researcher (R2), Leading Researcher (R4), First Stage Researcher (R1), Established Researcher (R3)
Country: Italy
Application Deadline: 3 Apr 2025 - 14:00 (UTC)
Type of Contract: Other
Job Status: Other
Offer Starting Date: 1 Jan 1970
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Not funded by a EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer Description
- Contract pursuant to Article 24 of Law No. 240/2010 (hereinafter ‘Tenure Track Assistant Professor contract”) for a non-renewable six-year term;
- Full-time job;
- Academic-discipline group (gruppo scientifico-disciplinare): 13/ECON-07 - Management;
- Academic-discipline field (settore scientifico-disciplinare): ECON-07/A - Management;
- Competition code (codice concorso): DIM-RTT33%-01/2025;
Specific functions: The successful candidate will be employed at the Department of Business and Management. The selected assistant professor will undertake teaching and research duties in harmony with the belonging academic discipline field and with the main research lines of the University, its Research Centers, and the Schools, on themes of Growth Strategies through Innovation, Entrepreneurship and related financing. The candidate will have to be able to teach in Italian and/or in English. Teaching, supplementary teaching and student service activities will consist of 350 hours per year, of which 90 hours per year will be dedicated to frontal teaching activities. The teaching activity will be carried out as part of the planning of undergraduate, single-cycle and graduate’s degree courses of the University and will consist in carrying out lectures, exercises and theoretical-practical activities, assistance during exams, in any teaching assignments assigned as an institutional task, according to the provisions and within the limits of the law. The teaching activity will be carried out with reference to the academic-discipline field to which he/she belongs (ECON-07/A Economia e gestione delle imprese/Management).
Specific topics and functions include:
1. Growth strategies of young and established firms;
2. Growth financing;
3. Venture capital;
4. Governance of growing firms.