Synergy Italia Spa, Bologna branch
Seeks Commercial Employee for a client company.
The selected resource will be responsible for:
* Gestione del portafoglio clienti sul territorio;
* Acquisizione di nuovi clienti;
* Monitoraggio del mercato di competenza, evidenziandone le opportunità di sviluppo alla Direzione Aziendale;
* Prior experience in the role.
* Good familiarity with primary computer tools.
* Availability for business trips.
* Good interpersonal skills, listening and communication abilities.
* B Driving license.
Work hours: Full-time, Monday to Friday.
Place of work: Bologna.
The offer is addressed to candidates in compliance with D. Lgs. 198/2006 and D. Lgs. 215/2003 and 216/2003.
Candidates interested are invited to read the privacy information ex artt. 13 and 14 of Reg. UE 2016/679.
Aut. Min. Prot. N. 1207 – SG del 16/12/2004