Liu Jo is an Italian brand established in the mid-1990s in Carpi, a knitwear manufacturing hub known for its excellence. It is the brainchild of Marco Marchi who fueled it with his vision for a brand embodying contemporary,identity-driven, and liberating fashion geared at celebrating feminine beauty through women’s empowerment. Building its foundation on creativity and the quintessentially Italian flair for intuition, the company has telegraphed its identity through clothing, accessories, footwear and jewelry, conveying a contemporary and highly recognizable lifestyle.
Across the years Liu Jo has remained true to its original vision continuously aiming - and even more sotoday - to act as a loudspeaker for important values such as freeself-expression, sharing a contemporary, identity-driven fashion statement and conveying its own idea of beauty. Liu Jo is currently available in 45 countries through a distribution network comprising over 280 flagship stores and around 5,000 multi-brand retailers worldwide.
• Attività di vendita in linea con la strategia aziendale
• Raggiungimento delle performance di vendita secondo gli obiettivi assegnati
• Attività post vendita secondo le linee guida aziendali
• Organizzazione del magazzino e del punto vendita
• Gestione, cura e movimentazione del prodotto
• Attività inventariali
• Conoscenza dei principali KPI’s
• Conoscenza delle operazioni di cassa
• Conoscenza delle procedure di apertura e chiusura del punto vendita
• Conoscenza base dei principali strumenti informatici (in particolare del pacchetto Office)
• Eccellente orientamento al servizio, capacità di creare un’ottima relazione con il cliente e di comprenderne bisogni/aspettative.
• Passione per il prodotto