In Job S.p.A. Career Center di Treviso selects a Junior Administrative/Accounting Employee.
The selected professional will be part of a reality operating in the metal mechanics sector.
* Fatturazione attiva e passiva (active and passive invoicing);
* Imputazione costi (cost imputation);
* Contabilità generale (general accounting).
* Necessaria esperienza minima nella mansione in contesti aziendali (minimum experience in administrative contexts);
* Necessaria conoscenza delle lingue straniere (knowledge of foreign languages);
* Ottima conoscenza degli strumenti digitali (excellent knowledge of digital tools).
Offer Details:
* Contratto: da definire (contract to be defined);
* Luogo di lavoro: Spresiano (TV) (workplace: Spresiano, TV);
* Disponibilità oraria: Part-time (part-time schedule).
The selection process is open to candidates of both sexes, according to law 903/77. Authorization number SG 1120 from the Ministry of Labour on 26 November 2004.
Please see our privacy policy at our website and communicate only the necessary data for the selection, avoiding sensitive information (such as racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, political opinions, trade union membership, genetic data, health or sexual life data, or sexual orientation data), except for those required by the announcement and/or considered essential for a proper evaluation of the application.