Synergie Italia Spa, our Pisa branch, is recruiting for a major food company:
Pastry Chef/Cook
We are looking for qualified personnel with previous experience in this specific role.
- Previous experience in the food industry: pizzerias, bakeries, pastry shops
- Previous experience in working with baked goods and yeast-based products
- Good manual dexterity
- Availability to work shifts that will be communicated by the company with adequate advance notice
We offer a fixed-term contract, with the possibility of renewal based on business needs. Working hours are 7-15, Monday to Saturday
Work location: Collesalvetti
L'offerta è rivolta a candidature nel rispetto del Dlgs 198/2006 e dei Dlgs 215/2003 e 216/2003.
Le persone interessate sono invitate a leggere l'informativa privacy ex artt. 13 e 14 del Reg. UE 2016/679.
Autorizzazione Min. Prot. N. 1207 – SG del 16/12/2004