Synergy Italia Spa - Cleaning Agency, Branch in Rome Termini, selects for a major player in the multiservice sector:
The resource will perform a cleaning service on the main surfaces inside an important plant in Roccasecca (FR) during the afternoon shift from 14:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday.
The ideal candidate presents the following requirements:
- Previous experience in cleaning at plants or rooms
We offer a part-time contract in outsourcing with 20 hours per week, time-limited, with a prospect of direct integration into the company.
CBA: 1st Level Multiservice Cleaning Agreement
Place of work: ROCCASECCA (FR)
The offer is addressed to candidates in compliance with Dlgs 198/2006 and Dlgs 215/2003 and 216/2003.
Please read the privacy information ex art. 13 and 14 of Regulation EU 2016/679.
Autorizzazione Min. Prot. N. 1207 – SG del 16/12/2004