Job Description
We are looking for a warehouse professional to work in the shoe industry. The ideal candidate will have experience with inventory management, computer skills and a good physical condition.
* Gestione, ricezione e stoccaggio merce: The candidate will be responsible for managing, receiving and storing merchandise.
* Inserimento merce di magazzino su PC: The candidate will need to enter merchandise into the computer system.
* Carico/scarico merce: The candidate will be responsible for loading and unloading merchandise.
* Utilizzo del PC: The candidate must be proficient in using a computer.
* Patentino del muletto: The candidate must have a valid operating license for industrial vehicles.
* Preferibile esperienza nel settore calzaturiero: It is preferred that the candidate has experience in the shoe industry.
Other requirements:
* Precisione: The candidate must be precise and accurate in their work.
* Capacità di adattamento: The candidate must be able to adapt quickly to new situations.
* Resistenza allo stress: The candidate must be able to withstand stress and pressure.
* Capacità di lavorare in team: The candidate must be able to work well in a team environment.
Tipo di assunzione: contratto a tempo determinato per scopo assunzione
Retribuzione: da definire
Disponibilità lavorativa: Full Time
Luogo di lavoro: Vigonza (PD)